Press and Interviews

KCET ARTBOUND: Veteranas and Rucas: Documenting 1990s Chicano Youth Culture

"Guadalupe Rosales uses nostalgia as the creative engine driving the Instagram feed she manages, Veteranas and Rucas. It's a digital archive on Instagram that "flashbacks" to photos from the Chicano underground of the 1990s, with a reach beyond Southern California. Sacramento, San Diego and Orange County all had elements of a residential underground during this period too.

"I brought handwritten letters from teenage boyfriends, a shoebox full of wallet size photos that friends and relatives had taken at the mall, and photos I had taken at backyard parties," says Rosales about the collection."


NPR: Instagram Project Documents East LA Latino Gang Life

"There has not been much actual documentation of the real young women who helped power Latino gang life in L.A. But they do emerge in the images of "Veteranas & Rucas," a crowd-sourced Instagram feed that documents the era via old photos, video and music. We talk to the curator, visual artist Guadalupe Rosales, herself a native of East L.A."

A 31-year-old woman who came of age in East L.A. is inviting people to upload day-to-day images, video and other ephemera from the area from the 1980s and '90s, the era she came of age.